Dead Awake : A True Horror Legend


Hey guys its been awhile now I post anything bout any movies cause my laptop cant use wifi (poor, huh) but right now i can use my phone to post my review, so lets started!

Dead Awake 2017
Horror Supernatural

Based on reality all the people in the world must have this scary horror experience when you sleep and suddenly your mind awake but all your body cant move theres two explanation : science and supernatural, you already know the science but the supernatural theres an urban legend from many different country that it cause by so many evil entity, like the hat man, old hag, something that sit or step on your chest while you sleep and many more, based on my experience i saw a big tall man watching me while i got this sleep paralysis a couple of times and it was scary, i cried on my sleep and i cant move, i have to hurt my own feet to awake myself up thats the only way (i guess)

And how was the movie? I really like this idea from this movie it was scary but the movie for me it was not, really really disappointing! Plus i like the main actress Jocelin Donahue (from the house of the devil, insidious 2 : young josh’s mom) – theres no good storyline, no jumpscare (cheap jumpscare), all from the beginning till the end i can predict everything, its like the producer really lazy making this film, but Oh well.. I hope maybe next time a great producer great actress / actor can make another movie about sleep paralysis cause this one its a shame!

Directed by Philip Guzman

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